Wisconsin’s Vanishing Songbirds
Help keep our feeders, fields, and forests from going silent
Connecticut warbler. Jeremy Meyer
Can you imagine our world without songbirds?
North America has lost 30% of its birds since 1970. Warblers, finches and sparrows are among the hardest hit. Wisconsin is suffering these losses too and they’re continuing.
Our pleasure in seeing and hearing a variety of songbirds will go away if we don’t act now. We’ll lose a lot more, too.
Birds boost our mental health and anchor Wisconsin’s $2.6 billion wildlife watching economy
Birds disperse seeds, pollinate plants, and help reduce crop and forest pests
Birds are “canaries in the coal mine,” alerting us to unhealthy conditions for people & wildlife
Take action at home to help birds
Add plants for birds
Reduce window threats
Buy coffee grown better for birds
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