Bird News
Our free and periodic emails and blogs will bring you seasonal discount offers for native plants, window treatments and bird-friendly coffee. Subscribers also will get the latest news about SOS Save Our Songbirds events and research concerning Wisconsin songbirds. Scroll down to subscribe.

Enjoy these World Migratory Bird Day events
Bird festivals abound during spring migration and in celebration of World Migratory Bird Day, May 13.

How to Attract and Feed Birds Around Your Home
Many of the beautiful ornamental plants around our home come from Asia, Europe and South America and are great eye-candy but a food desert for birds.

Spurring action at home to save songbirds
A new action campaign empowers people to make 3 small changes at home to help save Wisconsin’s vanishing songbirds.
Looking for a needle in a haystack
Ace birder Brian Collins was nervous. Never had the stakes seemed so high as he searched for one of Wisconsin’s most endangered birds.

Growing options to buy native plants in Wisconsin
It’s easier than ever to add a few good plants for birds around your home.

Bird migration is on: Are your windows bird-safe?
Up to 1 billion birds die every year after colliding with U.S. buildings, nearly half of them homes. National glass collision expert Bryan Lenz shares some easy fixes to make windows safer for birds.